“Youth does not require reasons for living, it only needs pretexts.”

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cybils: blogger book award

Let me introduce you to the internet's first literary awards!
Check out the Cybils Widget!

Like all revolutions, this one started small, with a single post on a blog devoted to children's literature. The Newbery Awards seemed too elitist and the Quills, well, not enough so. Was there a middle ground, an annual award that would recognize both a book's merits and popularity?

The Cybils are the middle ground. The public nominates their favorite children's books from 2007 in seven categories: Picture Books; Non-fiction Picture Books; Middle Grade fiction; Poetry; Young Adult fiction; Non-fiction (YA/MG); and Graphic Novels.

Anyone with an e-mail address can nominate one book per category. Then groups of bloggers get to work. First, a nominating committee reads ALL the titles in a given category. After nearly two arduous months, this committee winnows the nominees to five finalists. A second committee of bloggers considers the shortlist and, after much debate, chooses the best of the best for 2007.

The Cybils is a blogger-run, blogger-inspired awards process... make sure you cast your vote!

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